Pains of Feed Reader Migration

Posted on in Tech • Tagged with atom, blog, feeds, rss, web

QuiteRSS logo

For the past couple of years, I was using the feed reader program QuiteRSS. I had tried using feed reader programs in the past but I did not get in the habit of checking on feeds regularly. I allowed myself to get sucked into mostly using big corporate hubs to …

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Wagtail CMS Testing

Posted on in Tech • Tagged with blog, cms, django, mezzanine, wagtail, webdev


RIP Mezzanine CMS

Although I have played with Django since around version 0.96, I have not published many public websites that used Django. I had a small blog project that I made using Django with content that I ported over from an old WordPress blog. That website was changed …

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Wiimote Lightgun Experiments with Touchmote

Posted on in Tech • Tagged with gaming, lightgun, wiimote

Wiimote Zapper

Prior Wiimote Experiments

People might know some of the controller experiments I have played with over the past few years. One of the bigger oddities is my usage of the Wiimote on PC.

I have played around with Motion Plus (Gyro) support available in the Linux kernel through the use …

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